If you have a full beard and decided you want to ditch the mane and go babyface, here are some tips from Master Barber Anthony Berriola of Razors Barbershop & Shave Co. on how to do so... comfortably.

"Could you slap some shaving cream on and hack away with a razor? Sure you can, but I don’t recommend it. With some Proraso and patience, a straight razor could surely work through the long beard and get you where you want to be. But let’s be realistic, the majority of men are using either a double-edge or cartridge razor over a straight razor. In that case, a preliminary trim of the beard is necessary because your razor isn't designed to get through that long-tough hair and you don’t want it to have to do more than it’s supposed to, not to mention the clogging of the blade and discomfort with each stroke. Use your clipper or beard trimmer on the shortest setting to take your facial-flow down as close as that rusty, old electric razor will let you."

"Remember, the skin under that beard hasn’t felt the air around you, let alone a razor, in a long time so be sure to take the shaving prep seriously. Wash your face then generously apply pre shave cream all over the stubble, massage it in there to help soften the hairs. Soak a small towel in hot water (as hot as you can’t handle and don’t be a baby about it) and press it to your face over the pre shave cream. Next up is possibly the most important tip here, USE A QUALITY SHAVING CREAM! When you apply a great lather, you don't need to think about it again during the process. It will provide cushion and glide for the razor without drying out during the shave process. Less work for you and your razor."

"Your face hasn’t felt a razor in a long time so go easy on the old friend. Go slow and use light pressure, pay attention to the direction the beard grows and shave with the grain, going against may cause irritation and iń-grown hairs. If you insist on a closer shave after shaving with the grain, reapply lather and shave ACROSS the grain rather than against."

"Don’t neglect the post-shave process, it’s just as important as the rest. Rinse off the excess lather with COLD water and gently pat your face dry, you just scraped off a layer of skin so be gentle to it. Apply an aftershave, if you tend to have dry skin use an aftershave balm that adds moisturize to the skin as well as protects it. If you’re a real man, use a splash and feel the burn, it reminds you that you’re still alive."

"Follow this process and your face will thank you, it will feel clean and smooth without the rawness or discomfort. I would tell you to refrain from touching your face to avoid dirt and oils from getting into your pores, but let’s be realistic, it’s a new feeling and you’re going to want to feel your face all day. Your significant other isn't going to be able to keep their hands off it, with that in mind, keep your mitts clean and enjoy the new feeling of fresh air on your face."

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Next time you're in the Boston area, be sure to stop by either Razors Barbershop location:
308 Highland Ave, Somerville, MA
389 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA